Prof Dr Albert Sanchez-Graells

I am a Professor of Economic Law at the University of Bristol Law School. I am also a Member of the European Procurement Law Group. I specialise in European economic law, with a main focus on competition law and public procurement, on which I wrote my PhD and published Public Procurement and the EU Competition Rules (2nd edn, Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2015). With the support of a prestigious British Academy Mid-Career Fellowship, I have extended my research focus to digital regulation, and recently completed my second research monograph: Digital Technologies and Public Procurement. Gatekeeping and experimentation in digital public governance (Oxford, OUP, 2024). Most of my working papers are available at and my analysis of current legal developments is published in this blog. 

I am currently a member of the UK’s Cabinet Office Open Contracting Advisory Group and a Member of the English National Health Service (NHS) Independent Patient Choice and Procurement Panel. I have previously been a Member of the European Commission Stakeholder Expert Group on Public Procurement (2015-18), a Member of the Procurement Lawyers' Association Brexit Working Group (2017), and have been invited by the European Court of Auditors as an academic expert in public procurement and competition matters (2014-15 and 2022-23) and by the EFTA Surveillance Activity as a knowledge-exchange fellow (2017-18). I have also advised the World Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and other international institutions regarding public procurement reform, and delivered training on these topics. I am regularly consulted on legal and strategic issues in the area of procurement.

At Bristol, I have been a Senior Lecturer (2015-17), Reader (2017-2019), and a Professor (since 2019). Before joining Bristol, I held academic positions at the University of Leicester Law School (Senior Lecturer, 2013-15), at the University of Hull Law School (Lecturer, 2012-13), and at the Law Faculty of Comillas Pontifical University (Spain) (Lecturer 2009-2012). Prior to joining academia, I was a practising lawyer advising multinational corporations on competition and public procurement.