Some thoughts on the US' Executive Order on the Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of AI

On 30 October 2023, President Biden adopted the Executive Order on the Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence (the ‘AI Executive Order’, see also its Factsheet). The use of AI by the US Federal Government is an important focus of the AI Executive Order. It will be subject to a new governance regime detailed in the Draft Policy on the use of AI in the Federal Government (the ‘Draft AI in Government Policy’, see also its Factsheet), which is open for comment until 5 December 2023. Here, I reflect on these documents from the perspective of AI procurement as a major plank of this governance reform.

Procurement in the AI Executive Order

Section 2 of the AI Executive Order formulates eight guiding principles and priorities in advancing and governing the development and use of AI. Section 2(g) refers to AI risk management, and states that

It is important to manage the risks from the Federal Government’s own use of AI and increase its internal capacity to regulate, govern, and support responsible use of AI to deliver better results for Americans. These efforts start with people, our Nation’s greatest asset. My Administration will take steps to attract, retain, and develop public service-oriented AI professionals, including from underserved communities, across disciplines — including technology, policy, managerial, procurement, regulatory, ethical, governance, and legal fields — and ease AI professionals’ path into the Federal Government to help harness and govern AI. The Federal Government will work to ensure that all members of its workforce receive adequate training to understand the benefits, risks, and limitations of AI for their job functions, and to modernize Federal Government information technology infrastructure, remove bureaucratic obstacles, and ensure that safe and rights-respecting AI is adopted, deployed, and used.

Section 10 then establishes specific measures to advance Federal Government use of AI. Section 10.1(b) details a set of governance reforms to be implemented in view of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB)’s guidance to strengthen the effective and appropriate use of AI, advance AI innovation, and manage risks from AI in the Federal Government. Section 10.1(b) includes the following (emphases added):

The Director of OMB’s guidance shall specify, to the extent appropriate and consistent with applicable law:

(i) the requirement to designate at each agency within 60 days of the issuance of the guidance a Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer who shall hold primary responsibility in their agency, in coordination with other responsible officials, for coordinating their agency’s use of AI, promoting AI innovation in their agency, managing risks from their agency’s use of AI …;

(ii) the Chief Artificial Intelligence Officers’ roles, responsibilities, seniority, position, and reporting structures;

(iii) for [covered] agencies […], the creation of internal Artificial Intelligence Governance Boards, or other appropriate mechanisms, at each agency within 60 days of the issuance of the guidance to coordinate and govern AI issues through relevant senior leaders from across the agency;

(iv) required minimum risk-management practices for Government uses of AI that impact people’s rights or safety, including, where appropriate, the following practices derived from OSTP’s Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights and the NIST AI Risk Management Framework: conducting public consultation; assessing data quality; assessing and mitigating disparate impacts and algorithmic discrimination; providing notice of the use of AI; continuously monitoring and evaluating deployed AI; and granting human consideration and remedies for adverse decisions made using AI;

(v) specific Federal Government uses of AI that are presumed by default to impact rights or safety;

(vi) recommendations to agencies to reduce barriers to the responsible use of AI, including barriers related to information technology infrastructure, data, workforce, budgetary restrictions, and cybersecurity processes;

(vii) requirements that [covered] agencies […] develop AI strategies and pursue high-impact AI use cases;

(viii) in consultation with the Secretary of Commerce, the Secretary of Homeland Security, and the heads of other appropriate agencies as determined by the Director of OMB, recommendations to agencies regarding:

(A) external testing for AI, including AI red-teaming for generative AI, to be developed in coordination with the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency;

(B) testing and safeguards against discriminatory, misleading, inflammatory, unsafe, or deceptive outputs, as well as against producing child sexual abuse material and against producing non-consensual intimate imagery of real individuals (including intimate digital depictions of the body or body parts of an identifiable individual), for generative AI;

(C) reasonable steps to watermark or otherwise label output from generative AI;

(D) application of the mandatory minimum risk-management practices defined under subsection 10.1(b)(iv) of this section to procured AI;

(E) independent evaluation of vendors’ claims concerning both the effectiveness and risk mitigation of their AI offerings;

(F) documentation and oversight of procured AI;

(G) maximizing the value to agencies when relying on contractors to use and enrich Federal Government data for the purposes of AI development and operation;

(H) provision of incentives for the continuous improvement of procured AI; and

(I) training on AI in accordance with the principles set out in this order and in other references related to AI listed herein; and

(ix) requirements for public reporting on compliance with this guidance.

Section 10.1(b) of the AI Executive Order establishes two sets or types of requirements.

First, there are internal governance requirements and these revolve around the appointment of Chief Artificial Intelligence Officers (CAIOs), AI Governance Boards, their roles, and support structures. This set of requirements seeks to strengthen the ability of Federal Agencies to understand AI and to provide effective safeguards in its governmental use. The crucial set of substantive protections from this internal perspective derives from the required minimum risk-management practices for Government uses of AI, which is directly placed under the responsibility of the relevant CAIO.

Second, there are external (or relational) governance requirements that revolve around the agency’s ability to control and challenge tech providers. This involves the transfer (back to back) of minimum risk-management practices to AI contractors, but also includes commercial considerations. The tone of the Executive Order indicates that this set of requirements is meant to neutralise risks of commercial capture and commercial determination by imposing oversight and external verification. From an AI procurement governance perspective, the requirements in Section 10.1(b)(viii) are particularly relevant. As some of those requirements will need further development with a view to their operationalisation, Section 10.1(d)(ii) of the AI Executive Order requires the Director of OMB to develop an initial means to ensure that agency contracts for the acquisition of AI systems and services align with its Section 10.1(b) guidance.

Procurement in the Draft AI in Government Policy

The guidance required by Section 10.1(b) of the AI Executive Order has been formulated in the Draft AI in Government Policy, which offers more detail on the relevant governance mechanisms and the requirements for AI procurement. Section 5 on managing risks from the use of AI is particularly relevant from an AI procurement perspective. While Section 5(d) refers explicitly to managing risks in AI procurement, given that the primary substantive obligations will arise from the need to comply with the required minimum risk-management practices for Government uses of AI, this specific guidance needs to be read in the broader context of AI risk-management within Section 5 of the Draft AI in Government Policy.


The Draft AI in Government Policy relies on a tiered approach to AI risk by imposing specific obligations in relation to safety-impacting and rights-impacting AI only. This is an important element of the policy because these two categories are defined (in Section 6) and in principle will cover pre-established lists of AI use, based on a set of presumptions (Section 5(b)(i) and (ii)). However, CAIOs will be able to waive the application of minimum requirements for specific AI uses where, ‘based upon a system-specific risk assessment, [it is shown] that fulfilling the requirement would increase risks to safety or rights overall or would create an unacceptable impediment to critical agency operations‘ (Section 5(c)(iii)). Therefore, these are not closed lists and the specific scope of coverage of the policy will vary with such determinations. There are also some exclusions from minimum requirements where the AI is used for narrow purposes (Section 5(c)(i))—notably the ‘Evaluation of a potential vendor, commercial capability, or freely available AI capability that is not otherwise used in agency operations, solely for the purpose of making a procurement or acquisition decision’; AI evaluation in the context of regulatory enforcement, law enforcement or national security action; or research and development.

This scope of the policy may be under-inclusive, or generate risks of under-inclusiveness at the boundary, in two respects. First, the way AI is defined for the purposes of the Draft AI in Government Policy, excludes ‘robotic process automation or other systems whose behavior is defined only by human-defined rules or that learn solely by repeating an observed practice exactly as it was conducted’ (Section 6). This could be under-inclusive to the extent that the minimum risk-management practices for Government uses of AI create requirements that are not otherwise applicable to Government use of (non-AI) algorithms. There is a commonality of risks (eg discrimination, data governance risks) that would be better managed if there was a joined up approach. Moreover, developing minimum practices in relation to those means of automation would serve to develop institutional capability that could then support the adoption of AI as defined in the policy. Second, the variability in coverage stemming from consideration of ‘unacceptable impediments to critical agency operations‘ opens the door to potentially problematic waivers. While these are subject to disclosure and notification to OMB, it is not entirely clear on what grounds OMB could challenge those waivers. This is thus an area where the guidance may require further development.

extensions and waivers

In relation to covered safety-impacting or rights-impacting AI (as above), Section 5(a)(i) establishes the important principle that US Federal Government agencies have until 1 August 2024 to implement the minimum practices in Section 5(c), ‘or else stop using any AI that is not compliant with the minimum practices’. This type of sunset clause concerning the currently implicit authorisation for the use of AI is a potentially powerful mechanism. However, the Draft also establishes that such obligation to discontinue non-compliant AI use must be ‘consistent with the details and caveats in that section [5(c)]’, which includes the possibility, until 1 August 2024, for agencies to

request from OMB an extension of limited and defined duration for a particular use of AI that cannot feasibly meet the minimum requirements in this section by that date. The request must be accompanied by a detailed justification for why the agency cannot achieve compliance for the use case in question and what practices the agency has in place to mitigate the risks from noncompliance, as well as a plan for how the agency will come to implement the full set of required minimum practices from this section.

Again, the guidance does not detail on what grounds OMB would grant those extensions or how long they would be for. There is a clear interaction between the extension and waiver mechanism. For example, an agency that saw its request for an extension declined could try to waive that particular AI use—or agencies could simply try to waive AI uses rather than applying for extensions, as the requirements for a waiver seem to be rather different (and potentially less demanding) than those applicable to a waiver. In that regard, it seems that waiver determinations are ‘all or nothing’, whereas the system could be more flexible (and protective) if waiver decisions not only needed to explain why meeting the minimum requirements would generate the heightened overall risks or pose such ‘unacceptable impediments to critical agency operations‘, but also had to meet the lower burden of mitigation currently expected in extension applications, concerning detailed justification for what practices the agency has in place to mitigate the risks from noncompliance where they can be partly mitigated. In other words, it would be preferable to have a more continuous spectrum of mitigation measures in the context of waivers as well.

general minimum practices

Both in relation to safety- and rights-impact AI uses, the Draft AI in Government Policy would require agencies to engage in risk management both before and while using AI.

Preventative measures include:

  • completing an AI Impact Assessment documenting the intended purpose of the AI and its expected benefit, the potential risks of using AI, and and analysis of the quality and appropriateness of the relevant data;

  • testing the AI for performance in a real-world context—that is, testing under conditions that ‘mirror as closely as possible the conditions in which the AI will be deployed’; and

  • independently evaluate the AI, with the particularly important requirement that ‘The independent reviewing authority must not have been directly involved in the system’s development.’ In my view, it would also be important for the independent reviewing authority not to be involved in the future use of the AI, as its (future) operational interest could also be a source of bias in the testing process and the analysis of its results.

In-use measures include:

  • conducting ongoing monitoring and establish thresholds for periodic human review, with a focus on monitoring ‘degradation to the AI’s functionality and to detect changes in the AI’s impact on rights or safety’—‘human review, including renewed testing for performance of the AI in a real-world context, must be conducted at least annually, and after significant modifications to the AI or to the conditions or context in which the AI is used’;

  • mitigating emerging risks to rights and safety—crucially, ‘Where the AI’s risks to rights or safety exceed an acceptable level and where mitigation is not practicable, agencies must stop using the affected AI as soon as is practicable’. In that regard, the draft indicates that ‘Agencies are responsible for determining how to safely decommission AI that was already in use at the time of this memorandum’s release without significant disruptions to essential government functions’, but it would seem that this is also a process that would benefit from close oversight by OMB as it would otherwise jeopardise the effectiveness of the extension and waiver mechanisms discussed above—in which case additional detail in the guidance would be required;

  • ensuring adequate human training and assessment;

  • providing appropriate human consideration as part of decisions that pose a high risk to rights or safety; and

  • providing public notice and plain-language documentation through the AI use case inventory—however, this is subject a large number of caveats (notice must be ‘consistent with applicable law and governmentwide guidance, including those concerning protection of privacy and of sensitive law enforcement, national security, and other protected information’) and more detailed guidance on how to assess these issues would be welcome (if it exists, a cross-reference in the draft policy would be helpful).

additional minimum practices for rights-impacting ai

In relation to rights-affecting AI only, the Draft AI in Government Policy would require agencies to take additional measures.

Preventative measures include:

  • take steps to ensure that the AI will advance equity, dignity, and fairness—including proactively identifying and removing factors contributing to algorithmic discrimination or bias; assessing and mitigating disparate impacts; and using representative data; and

  • consult and incorporate feedback from affected groups.

In-use measures include:

  • conducting ongoing monitoring and mitigation for AI-enabled discrimination;

  • notifying negatively affected individuals—this is an area where the draft guidance is rather woolly, as it also includes a set of complex caveats, as individual notice that ‘AI meaningfully influences the outcome of decisions specifically concerning them, such as the denial of benefits’ must only be given ‘[w]here practicable and consistent with applicable law and governmentwide guidance’. Moreover, the draft only indicates that ‘Agencies are also strongly encouraged to provide explanations for such decisions and actions’, but not required to. In my view, this tackles two of the most important implications for individuals in Government use of AI: the possibility to understand why decisions are made (reason giving duties) and the burden of challenging automated decisions, which is increased if there is a lack of transparency on the automation. Therefore, on this point, the guidance seems too tepid—especially bearing in mind that this requirement only applies to ‘AI whose output serves as a basis for decision or action that has a legal, material, or similarly significant effect on an individual’s’ civil rights, civil liberties, or privacy; equal opportunities; or access to critical resources or services. In these cases, it seems clear that notice and explainability requirements need to go further.

  • maintaining human consideration and remedy processes—including ‘potential remedy to the use of the AI by a fallback and escalation system in the event that an impacted individual would like to appeal or contest the AI’s negative impacts on them. In developing appropriate remedies, agencies should follow OMB guidance on calculating administrative burden and the remedy process should not place unnecessary burden on the impacted individual. When law or governmentwide guidance precludes disclosure of the use of AI or an opportunity for an individual appeal, agencies must create appropriate mechanisms for human oversight of rights-impacting AI’. This is another crucial area concerning rights not to be subjected to fully-automated decision-making where there is no meaningful remedy. This is also an area of the guidance that requires more detail, especially as to what is the adequate balance of burdens where eg the agency can automate the undoing of negative effects on individuals identified as a result of challenges by other individuals or in the context of the broader monitoring of the functioning and effects of the rights-impacting AI. In my view, this would be an opportunity to mandate automation of remediation in a meaningful way.

  • maintaining options to opt-out where practicable.

procurement related practices

In addition to the need for agencies to be able to meet the above requirements in relation to procured AI—which will in itself create the need to cascade some of the requirements down to contractors, and which will be the object of future guidance on how to ensure that AI contracts align with the requirements—the Draft AI in Government Policy also requires that agencies procuring AI manage risks by:

  • aligning to National Values and Law by ensuring ‘that procured AI exhibits due respect for our Nation’s values, is consistent with the Constitution, and complies with all other applicable laws, regulations, and policies, including those addressing privacy, confidentiality, copyright, human and civil rights, and civil liberties’;

  • taking ‘steps to ensure transparency and adequate performance for their procured AI, including by: obtaining adequate documentation of procured AI, such as through the use of model, data, and system cards; regularly evaluating AI-performance claims made by Federal contractors, including in the particular environment where the agency expects to deploy the capability; and considering contracting provisions that incentivize the continuous improvement of procured AI’;

  • taking ‘appropriate steps to ensure that Federal AI procurement practices promote opportunities for competition among contractors and do not improperly entrench incumbents. Such steps may include promoting interoperability and ensuring that vendors do not inappropriately favor their own products at the expense of competitors’ offering’;

  • maximizing the value of data for AI; and

  • responsibly procuring Generative AI.

These high level requirements are well targeted and compliance with them would go a long way to fostering ‘responsible AI procurement’ through adequate risk mitigation in ways that still allow the procurement mechanism to harness market forces to generate value for money.

However, operationalising these requirements will be complex and the further OMB guidance should be rather detailed and practical.

Final thoughts

In my view, the AI Executive Order and the Draft AI in Government Policy lay the foundations for a significant strengthening of the governance of AI procurement with a view to embedding safeguards in public sector AI use. A crucially important characteristic in the design of these governance mechanisms is that it imposes significant duties on the agencies seeking to procure and use the AI, and it explicitly seeks to address risks of commercial capture and commercial determination. Another crucially important characteristic is that, at least in principle, use of AI is made conditional on compliance with a rather comprehensive set of preventative and in-use risk mitigation measures. The general aspects of this governance approach thus offer a very valuable blueprint for other jurisdictions considering how to boost AI procurement governance.

However, as always, the devil is in the details. One of the crucial risks in this approach to AI governance concerns a lack of independence of the entities making the relevant assessments. In the Draft AI in Government Policy, there are some risks of under-inclusion and/or excessive waivers of compliance with the relevant requirements (both explicit and implicit, through protracted processes of decommissioning of non-compliant AI), as well as a risk that ‘practical considerations’ will push compliance with the risk mitigation requirements well past the (ambitious) 1 August 2024 deadline through long or rolling extensions.

To mitigate for this, the guidance should be much clearer on the role of OMB in extension, waiver and decommissioning decisions, as well as in relation to the specific criteria and limits that should form part of those decisions. Only by ensuring adequate OMB intervention can a system of governance that still does not entirely (organisationally) separate procurement, use and oversight decisions reach the levels of independent verification required not only to neutralise commercial determination, but also operational dependency and the ‘policy irresistibility’ of digital technologies.

Examining Brexit Through the GPA’s Lens: What Next for UK Public Procurement Reform?


Dr Pedro Telles and I have just published 'Examining Brexit Through the GPA’s Lens: What Next for UK Public Procurement Reform?' (2017) 47(1) Public Contract Law Journal 1-33 and, thanks to the permission of the American Bar Association, made it available through SSRN This is the abstract:

The United Kingdom has formally started the process of leaving the European Union (so called Brexit). This has immersed the UK Government and EU Institutions in a two-year period of negotiations to disentangle the UK from EU law by the end of March 2019, and to devise a new legal framework for UK-EU trade afterwards. The UK will thereafter be adjusting its trading arrangements with the rest of the world. In this context, public procurement regulation is broadly seen as an area where a UK ‘unshackled by EU law’ would be able to turn to a lighter-touch and more commercially-oriented regulatory regime. There are indications that the UK would simultaneously attempt to create a particularly close relationship with the US, although recent changes in US international trade policy may pose some questions on that trade strategy. Overall, then, Brexit has created a scenario where UK public procurement law and policy may be significantly altered.

The extent to which this is a real possibility crucially depends on the framework for the future trading relationship between the UK and the EU. Whereas ”EU-derived law” will not restrict the UK’s freedom to regulate public procurement, the conclusion of a closely-knit EU-UK trade agreement covering procurement could thus well result in the country’s continued full compliance with EU rules. Nonetheless, this is not necessarily a guaranteed scenario and, barring specific requirements in future free trade agreements between the UK and the EU or third countries, including the US, the World Trade Organisation Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) seems to be the only regulatory constraint with which future UK public procurement reform needs to conform. However, the position of the UK under the GPA is far from clear. We posit that the UK will face a GPA accession process and GPA members may see Brexit as an opportunity to obtain new concessions from the UK and the EU, which could be both in terms of scope of coverage or regulatory conformity. Further, given the current trend of creating GPA plus procurement chapters in free trade agreements, such as the US-Korea FTA, the GPA regulatory baseline will gain even more importance as a benchmark for any future reform of public procurement regulation in the UK, even beyond the strict scope of coverage of the GPA. Given the diversity of GPA-compliant procurement systems (such as the EU’s and the US’), though, the extent to which the GPA imposes significant restrictions on UK public procurement reform is unclear. However, we argue that bearing in mind the current detailed regulation in the UK might itself limit deregulation due to the need to comply with the international law principle of good faith as included in the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties and, to a certain extent, the United Nations Convention Anti-Corruption. 

The aim of this paper is to try to disentangle the multi-layered complexities of Brexit and to explore the issues that Brexit has created in the area of international public procurement regulation, both from the perspective of ‘internal’ EU law-related issues and with regard to broader ‘external’ issues of international trade regulation, as well as to assess the GPA baseline regulatory requirements, and to reflect on the impact these may have on post-Brexit public procurement reform in the UK.

Some comments on Robinson (2013) "Social Public Procurement: Corporate Responsibility Without Regulation"

In a recent paper entitled "Social Public Procurement: Corporate Responsibility Without Regulation",  John Robinson Jr., a student at the University of Utah College of Law, 'explores the EU’s framework for achieving [...] social goals and suggests that the US should undertake many of the same policies. In the US, public procurement accounts for over 10% of GDP. Therefore, using the marketplace rather than regulation to achieve positive change offers a powerful tool: the upside of social good without the downside of increased regulatory burden' (emphasis added). 
Even more specifically, the paper claims that 'EU’s position on CSR, specifically that expenditure of public funds provides a powerful mechanism with which to drive corporate responsibility. Essentially, this reflects a collective EU decision (sic) that market forces are superior (eg., more efficient) to regulation in terms of promoting socially responsible business practice' (emphasis added). However, the superiority or efficiency of the mechanism is not an issue that can simply be agreed upon or opted for, but an empirical question. And, difficult as it may be to measure, economic theory does not support the premise that exercising buyer power is a more efficient mechanism than (adequate) regulation when it comes to the pursuit of social (or any other) regulatory goals.

In my view, the whole argument in the paper and the final policy recommendation (as, more generally, the use of public procurement to pursue secondary considerations) is problematic because it does not duly take into account the short-term, static competitive distortions
and the (implicit) higher costs of procurement based on non-economic considerations, nor the undesirable dynamic distortions that can be created by the public buyer. Readers may be bored already with my argument, but I cannot help stressing that using public buyer power to achieve regulatory goals is an inefficient strategy [for further discussion, see my Distortions of Competition Generated by the Public (Power) Buyer].
Nonetheless, Robinson completely ignores the fact that imposing regulatory requirements through the backdoor of public procurement decisions significantly muddles the working of the market. Such ommission is clear in the argument that 'Using their already-existent presence in the market, governments may encourage corporate social responsibility through favoring those corporations, goods, and services that produce better social outcomes. The EU terms this as socially responsible public procurement, and has actively engaged in SRPP for some time'. In passing, it is worth stressing that the CJEU has created some important limitations as to what can be done in terms of pursuing CSR objectives through procurement (see case C-368/10 and my comment, in Spanish, though).

In my view, the foundations of the logic behind the proposals to 'use' the market (ie buyer power) to achieve regulatory objectives (which Robinson borrows from McCrudden's 'Buying Social Justice') are essentially flawed. Remarkably, it can hardly be supported that 'Although not perfect, markets constitute the best method yet found for “optimizing the use and distribution of scarce resources.” Traditionally, society placed social justice and equality outside of the market, but within the sphere of government influence. However, the movement towards [socially responsible public procurement], particularly within Europe, signals a recombination of the two—integration of social justice into the marketplace'. In my view, such a recombination is simply not possible, as the preference for social (or other) regulatory requirements distorts the market mechanism and, consequently, there can be no guarantee that it can still optimize the use and distribution of scarce resources.
Contracting authorities are clearly in a position to decide what to buy and to require that the products or services they purchase or hire meet certain technical specifications that include environmental or social requirements. They will be able to do so as long as there is a market for such products or services. Equally, they are free to decide to what social or environmental projects they give preference and where the money should be spent. And, once they do that, they should aim to take full advantage of the undistorted market mechanism to maximise the value of their expenditure or investment to achieve those goals. However, they are in a very bad position to attempt to regulate the market through purchasing decisions, and they should refrain from doing so. Otherwise, they may see how their own efforts are in vain as a result of their unforeseen impact in the market.
The boundaries of what can and what cannot be done in terms of promoting social and environmental goals through procurement still require some further clarification (particularly in light of the novelties in the new public procurement directives), but it should come with some sound understanding of the economics underpinning procurement mechanisms. Bottom line: public procurement needs to take place in properly functioning markets and any (pseudo-regulatory) strategies that distort the market will be inefficient, however appealing it may seem to exploit buying power in the short term.