Is it Irrelevant whether a Procurement Review Body is Judicial in Character? Case C-303/22, CROSS Zlín

I have uploaded on SSRN a case comment on CROSS Zlín, C-303/22, EU:C:2024:60.

In the case comment, I reflect on the CJEU’s position that, for the purposes of suspending the effectiveness of contract award decisions and preventing the conclusion of public contracts, it is irrelevant whether a procurement review body is judicial in character or not. Given the difficulties I find in systematising (or fully understanding) the rules on administrative and judicial review bodies in the Remedies Directive, I reiterate the call for its review.

The paper is freely downloadable and, as always, I would warmly welcome any comments.

Nadia Piet and AIxDESIGN & Archival Images of AI / Better Images of AI / Limits of Classification / CC-BY 4.0.